Thursday, September 3, 2009

The Meaning of Life

Everyone has heard the expression, “nobody’s perfect,” but did you ever wonder why that is? In fact, have you ever wondered what is the meaning of life? Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world if God is all-powerful and all good? Most religions talk about how the world was created, but do any of them say why it was created in the first place?

There is one spiritual discipline that does answer these questions and many more. It is an ancient wisdom called Kabbalah. This wisdom has been handed down from teacher to student throughout the generations, beginning with Abraham the Patriarch. Numerous great thinkers, including Plato, Jung, Edison, Newton and Einstein studied it, and it has shaped the world we live in, albeit behind the scenes.

According to the sages, each soul comes to this world to perfect itself. Of course, each soul is distinct and has to deal with different issues that it needs to correct. Although it is possible for a soul to correct itself in one lifetime, it is so difficult that it usually it takes multiple, sometimes hundreds of lifetimes to get it right. Why should it be so hard?

The idea is that at one time, before the creation of the physical universe, all of the souls had a relationship with God where God gave us all possible fulfillment. However, it is a law of the universe that when you get something that you didn’t earn and don’t deserve, you feel ashamed. The physical universe was created to give us a chance to earn everlasting fulfillment by struggling against our own negativity. If the task of overcoming our challenges were easy, then we would not be able to earn the Light of the Creator.

So how do you go about correcting your soul so you can earn complete fulfillment for all eternity? Stay tuned for my upcoming article where I discuss The Soul’s Correction, or go to

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