Thursday, September 17, 2009

Being a Better Parent

There are hundreds of books and magazine articles trying to guide parents, and educate them on child development, safety, education, products, and so forth. Some, like this blog, offer advice on how to be a better parent. But if you are honest with yourself, you already know how you should improve. It’s just the execution of it that is difficult.

For example, I know I that tend to be weak on follow through. I sometimes threaten a consequence and then forget about it or give in. I also am not particularly organized, and this quality shows up in my kids. I tend to forget about (or avoid) things until they reach a crisis point, just like my son tends to leave his science fair project until the weekend before it is due.

Now is a time for introspection, a time for soul searching. Take some time, after the kids are in bed to think about yourself in relation to your children. Where could you improve? Do you need to control your temper? Pay more attention to their needs? Be more consistent? Give them more independence or less?

At this time of year, just before Rosh Hashana, you have the opportunity to make a lasting change that will impact you and your children for the rest of your lives. But the only way to do it is to be totally, brutally honest with yourself, be sorry that you acted that way in the past and make a conscious decision that the new you will be someone who does not act in that negative way anymore.

Good luck, and shana tova!

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